This morning was very wet and cool. Our path started through the trees.
Those last three miles on city sidewalks and streets were about the hardest of the trip. We were soooo close.
Our friend Linda from Holland was there to hug us, but otherwise it was a little anticlimactic. We just stopped walking.
We went inside the cathedral, just in time for pilgrims Mass. It was crowded and we didn't have a seat so we sat down on the base of a huge stone column.
After communion the main event began.
As the massive Botafumeiro swung through the air trailing clouds of incense I remembered reading that originally it was used to fumigate sweaty and possibly disease ridden pilgrims.
Later we brought our credentials, filled with stamps from places we stayed or ate to the Pilgrims office where we received our official credential. You must declare whether you are hiking for spiritual or religious or other reasons.
When I came out with my certificate I waved it in the air and declared to the line of pilgrims waiting "I passed, I passed!" They all clapped for me and an Irishman shook my hand. I'm going to miss the friendliness of the Camino.
I must confess, I have thoroughly enjoyed your journey and am going to miss your posts. In awe of both of you!! Too bad you aren't walking back the way you came...haha -- Kelly Williams