Tuesday, June 16, 2015

I Learned Stuff

     Today we have been bums. Even though I couldn't sleep in...I lay in bed relishing the fact that I didn't have to get up and strap on my pack and walk. I throughly enjoyed walking...but feel relieved it's over. 
     When we did get up we went looking for food...they have hot chocolate here that is more like pudding and reminds me of the custard I cook for home made chocolate ice-cream. 
     Then we walked to the cathedral again and walked every inch that had access. We saw where supposedly the Apostle James' body was returned to Spain. (He had been on a mission to Spain for many years. Then returned to the Holy Land where he was martyred.)
     In the cathedral they had confessional booths going for many different languages...I thought about it...but I didn't have all day...also in the Cathedral we saw some friends...Julio from Guatemala (Laraine wrote about him...an amazing man.)
     And Jo from North Carolina who hiked for six weeks on her own!! (We know how daunting that would be!)
      Then we went and bought some clothes because ours are hashed and we look like we've been pilgrims for three weeks. (I'll be honest it seemed longer...)
     I'm still pondering the question my daughter Jacks asked me...I feel I learned a lot of things...I'll try to write some about them...but the one for tonight is: Try not to fall down...but if you do...get back up because things can heal and get better. Your face and your soul are heal-able...

1 comment:

  1. The whole trip was worth it just for that last line. "Try not to fall down...but if you do...get back up because things can heal and get better. Your face and your soul are heal-able..." It's like you said in an early post,"The Camino will give you everything you need...nothing more...nothing less." I guess that is what you needed, and many of your readers as well. I love you guys!
