Sunday, June 14, 2015

The Rain in Spain Has Mainly Missed Laraine

It is raining. But hallelujah we are safely inside with our 12 mile day behind us. Due to my bad math, it was 2 miles longer than we had anticipated. Two miles is not a big deal, unless you've psyched yourself into a finish line. We were very glad to make it to Amenal - only 10 miles away from Santiago!
I will miss seeing the sunrise each morning. We go to bed before sunset because  it doesn't get dark til 10:30-11:00. I am usually awake about 5 or so and we're off before 7
I have had a lot of memories of childhood as we've walked, I think because we are
spending so much time outside. I've remembered forts in the cedars, long hours looking for arrowheads, walking to the Far Tank to swim and a hundred other summer joys. The Camino has
brought  them back to me. 
One interesting thing is, that with very few exceptions, people do not have earbuds in their ears listening to music or books. It is an unspoken practice on the Camino. You talk, you listen or are silent. You greet others as you meet them. 
You observe and feel without distraction. I have learned something from this. My inner dialogue has been instructive. 
Also, today we ran into a teepee that reminded of the wigwam motel in Holbrook, too bad we didn't find Romo's next to it. I need some Mexican food something fierce. 

P.S. If you can't get enough of the Camino, check out our friend Claudia from Arizona's blog at

1 comment:

  1. Awe those dreamy childhood memories. Anything that brings them back is a gift. Stars on a dark night, a pool on a hot day and for you a silent walk on the Camino. Thanks for giving us a glimpse:)
